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Dr. Terence A. Cooper, CEO

ARGO Group International


Member profile details

First name
Dr. Terence A.
Last name
Cooper, CEO
ARGO Group International

Contact information

State or Province
Zip Code
United States
(302) 366-8764
Phone (Alternate)
(302) 420-9467

Specialties and Services

Fields of Expertise
  • Biotechnology
  • Green Chemistry
  • Materials
  • Polymers
  • Product Development
  • Project Management
  • Research and Development
Other Fields of Expertise
Bioplastics. Biobased, biodegradable, compostable, anaerobically digestible and water-soluble plastics and polymers
Packaging technology and sustainable packaging
Recycling and recovery technology and waste management for plastics and plastic packaging
ARGO Group International provides Worldwide Consulting Services specializing in chemical and polymer science, materials technology and product, process, market and applications development in the following areas:

1. MONOMER AND POLYMER CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY New Product, Manufacturing Process, and Market Development in:

Biobased and renewable polymers, plastics, plasticizers and chemicals.

Biodegradable, compostable and anaerobically digestible polymers and plastics.

Biobased and renewable fuels and chemical and polymer co-products.

Water-soluble polymers, particularly polyvinyl alcohol, and superabsorbants.

Packaging materials and technology.

Reactive and functional polymers.

Polymer modification and reactive extrusion.

Thermoplastics, polymer blends and compatibilization – products and processing.

Elastomers, thermosets and composites.

Olefinic, vinylic, styrenic, acrylic and methacrylic copolymer systems.

Adhesives, sealants, pottants, inks and coatings.


Sustainable packaging

Biobased and renewable chemicals, polymers, plastics and biofuels

Recycling and recovery processes and technology, end-of-life processes and waste management


Materials selection.

Strategic R&D and technology portfolio analysis.

R&D/business/market analysis, planning and management.

Technology due diligence.

Additional Information

Additional Info
United Kingdom and Europe:
11 Offley Road, Sandbach,
Cheshire CW11 1GY, England.
Phone: +44 (0)203 026 2940
E-mail: ARGO Group International, UK (
Specific projects have included:

Assessing the technology base, helping raise investment funding, planning and setting up R&D and market development programs and facilities and hiring personnel, and serving as R&D Director and Business Development Director for a UK-based start-up company specializing in biodegradable and water-soluble plastics.

Formulation, applications and market development for a US-based manufacturer of water-soluble plastics.

Formulation, applications and market development for a UK-based supplier of biodegradable and compostable plastics.

Formulation, manufacturing, applications and market development for a US-based supplier of biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics and their component materials.

Formulation and process development for a UK-based start-up company specializing in high-strength water-soluble plastics.

Technical and applications development, and market analysis, for a range of non-toxic biobased plasticizers derived from new chemistry with a US-based start-up company.

Technical, economic, market and feedstock analysis and projections for biobased chemicals, monomers and polymers for a US Industrial Bioeconomy project.

Advising on new developments in materials, particularly renewable, biobased and biodegradable plastics, for three UK-based packaging design companies.

Expert witness in two US trade secret-related lawsuits concerning biodegradable plastics and additives.

Scientific Advisory Board member for the Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance to develop processes to convert softwood waste to biofuels, biobased chemicals and polymers.

USDA grant review panel member for development of sustainable biomass feedstock supply chains for production of biofuels, chemicals, and value-added biobased products.

Designing, performing and authoring two technology research studies on future trends in flexible packaging and sustainable packaging.

Serving on the UK Independent Packaging Environmental Forum Common Interest Group.

Serving on the advisory board and R&D management team and helping raise investment funding for a US-based start-up company developing new processes for recycling municipal solid waste, fly ash and tires, and products made from the recyclates.

Setting up and managing R&D facilities, programs and product development, helping raise investment funds and acting as Chief Technology Officer for a Japanese-based start-up company specializing in high-performance optical polymer products and display systems.

Serving on the management team for a US-Japanese joint venture in Japan.

Developing US market data, contacts and market development plan for a Japanese epoxy resin producer.
More Experience
Managing R&D, technical service and manufacturing support worldwide for a 20 million lb/year functional oligomer product.

Setting up and managing a worldwide quality/technical service support function for styrene manufacturing and marketing for a US manufacturer.

Reorganizing R&D, technical service, and QC functions, integrating them with sales and manufacturing, and R&D program planning for a US UV-curable printing ink manufacturer.

Evaluating the technology base for a US producer of dipped latex elastomeric products.

Developing improved curable fluxing adhesives for printed circuit boards for a US electronics materials company.

Developing improved optical coatings for a US medical diagnostic nanoprobe start-up company.

Evaluating present manufacturing processes and composite products and designing improved epoxy-composites and adhesives for acoustic applications for a US ultrasonics company.

Developing novel surfactant systems for storage stabilization of polymerase chain reaction systems for DNA cloning with a US biotechnology company.

Materials selection, systems development and R&D planning for new alkaline fuel cell designs for a UK start-up company.

Consulting on coatings technology, developments and markets for a US Merger and Acquisitions specialist.

Surveying polychloroprene latex technology and markets for a Japanese elastomer producer.

Technology and market studies on hydrogen infrastructure and by-product production, flame retardants, carbon nanotubes, and REACH legislation for a UK/Japan-based consultancy.

Evaluating novel European antimicrobial polymer technology for a potential VC investor.

Organizing and chairing a series of seminars to promote, and identify plastics converters to operate in a new Saudi Arabian petrochemical complex conversion industrial park.
B.A., B.Sc., M.A. Chemistry, Oxford University
D. Phil. Physical Organic Chemistry, Oxford University
Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Molecular Biophysics, Yale University
MBA, Drexel University
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