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Dr. John C. Fetzer

Fetzpahs Consulting


Member profile details

First name
Dr. John C.
Last name
Fetzpahs Consulting

Contact information

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United States
(510) 724-8629

Specialties and Services

Fields of Expertise
  • Analytical
  • Expert Witness
  • Petroleum
  • Spectroscopy
Other Fields of Expertise
Liquid Chromatography
Fetzpahs Consulting is a provider of practical solutions to problems in the chemistry and analysis of petroleum-related materials and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The size of projects can be large or small, with rates that are flexible enough to meet budgetary constraints.

The principal, John C. Fetzer, is a recognized world-class expert in the chemistry and analysis of the polycyclic aromatic compounds. Specialist in the development of separation methods aimed particularly at crude oil, its distillate fractions (including asphalt and residuum), catalytically-processed petroleum products (waxes, mineral oils, lube oil basestocks, fuels, and intermediate oils, petrochemical products, and additives. He has a high-level of expertise in high-performance liquid, supercritical fluid, gel-permeation and gas chromatographies, and fluorescence and UV absorbance measurements.

With more than two decades of experience working for a major oil company and since 2001 working through Fetzpahs Consulting, Dr. Fetzer brings knowledge and understanding from many areas to bear on his clients' needs.

Dr. Fetzer has been either an expert witness or technical expert for seven legal cases.

The 2005 Erich Clar Award of the International Society for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds was given to Dr. Fetzer for his variety of research achievements.

The Battelle Institute, Air Products, The US EPA, The American Petroleum Institute, The National Institutes for Standards and Technology (NIST), NASA, Shell, Chevron, the City of San Francisco, and many others


As author or co-author of over 140 refereed papers, including 8 review articles, 5 book chapters, 2 books, and 3 patents, writing is informative, readable, and thorough. With over forty formal presentations at scientific conferences, speaking to any audiences is well-delivered. Dr. Fetzer has been a tour speaker for the American Chemical Society and has given many invited presentations at conferences and universities.

Dr. Fetzer is author of The Chemistry and Analysis of the Large Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, J. C. Fetzer, John Wiley and Sons, New York, p. 1-288 (2000), ISBN: 0-471-36354-5 and of "Gas and Liquid Chromatographic Techniques", J. C. Fetzer, in Chemical Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, T. Vo Dinh (ed.), J. Wiley and Sons, p. 59 109 (1989).

As author of the column "Building a Professional Career" for the journal Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry? And of the book "Career Management for Chemists - A Guide to Success in a Chemistry Career", John C. Fetzer, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, p. 1-266 (2004) ISBN: 3-540-20899-2, Dr. Fetzer emphasizes collaboration, skills to encompass all needed aspects and viewpoints, and versatility.

Additional Information

University of Georgia, Doctorate of Philosophy in Analytical Chemistry, 1980
University of Arkansas, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with Honors, 1976
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