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Robert Gruetzmacher

TechIAConnect and Associates


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TechIAConnect and Associates

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Kennett Square
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Specialties and Services

Fields of Expertise
  • Agricultural
  • Analytical
  • Biochemistry
  • Biotechnology
  • Catalysts
  • Chemical Education
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • Computers and Software
  • Cost Analysis and Economic Evaluation
  • Divestitures and Acquisitions
  • Electrochemistry
  • Energy
  • Environmental & Safety
  • Equipment
  • Food Chemistry
  • Green Chemistry
  • Licensing and Technology Transfer
  • Literature and Patent Searches
  • Manufacturing
  • Marketing
  • Materials
  • Measurement and Instrumentation
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Nanotechnology
  • Operations Troubleshooting
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Patents
  • Petroleum
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Pigments and Inks
  • Polymers
  • Power
  • Process Equipment Design
  • Product Development
  • Project Management
  • Quality
  • Research and Development
  • Separations and Purification
  • Soaps and Surfactants
  • Spectroscopy
  • Synthesis
  • Technical
  • Technology Transfer
  • Translation
  • Validation
Other Fields of Expertise
IP valuation, water infrastructure, purification, reuse, wastewater treatment, big data management and applications in water-Ag
Dr. Gruetzmacher is the founder and principal of TechIAConnect & Associates, a business development and technology transfer consulting firm and an associate of IntellectualAssets, Inc., a consulting firm in Saratoga, California. He has over 30 years of industrial experience working at DuPont in multiple functions across a broad range of responsibilities, life and physical sciences, both hands-on and in senior leadership positions. During the last 15 years of his tenure he provided corporate leadership on extracting value from intellectual capital focusing on intellectual asset management, licensing, technology transfer, IP valuation, negotiation, university collaborations, and open innovation implementation strategies. Following retirement from DuPont he served as an independent consultant for Rutgers University’s Office of Technology Commercialization, managing their physical science, engineering, and IT patent portfolios, seeking licensing and collaborative opportunities with industry. Some current and past clients include the University of California at Riverside, Syngenta Biotech, Ben Franklin Technology Partners, Southeastern Pennsylvanian, the Larta Institute, IdeaConnection, and the Plastic and Rubber Training and Research Institute, ICIPC Colombia
IP and technology licensing
--Licensee/Licensor Identification
--Patent strategy
--IP Valuation
--Open Innovation Strategies
--Contract Development
More Services
Communication--Cloud-based data managemnt
Green Tech--Commercial facility LED retrofits
Technology Scouting
Technology consulting/advising (specific areas)
Business plan assessment

Additional Information

Additional Info
Dr. Gruetzmacher holds a Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University, and was the recipient of a National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Fellowship. He is an active member of the Licensing Executives Society, currently serving as the Chair of the Latin American Committee, American Chemical Society, and Association of University Technology Managers, and serves on the industrial advisory boards of the Larta Institute, and the Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering at Case Western Reserve University. He is the co-founder of ICM Gathering, a community of over 30 companies world-wide that brainstorm and explore novel ways of extracting value from innovation and knowledge-based assets. He is an associate member of the University- Industry Demonstration Partnership (UIDP) and served on their board of directors.
Honors and Awards
Licensing Executives Society International Chemical, Energy, Environment and Materials Distinguished Fell
BA Hope College
Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University
Certified Licensing Professional (Licensing Executives Society
Finance, legal, patent, negotiation, speaking certifications from Northwestern University, Babson College, University of Illinois, Tufts University and the American Management Association.
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