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Princeton ACS section meeting on taste preferences

08 Jul 2019 9:19 PM | Dr. Keith D. Wing (Administrator)

July 30 PACS Science CAFÉ (

A Matter of Taste: Forces Driving our Eating Preferences and Patterns

Our panel of nutrition, food science and culinary arts experts will enlighten us and spark brainstorming and satiating discussion of this important topic. After all, we are what we eat...and should know why we eat what we eat.

When: Tuesday, July 30, 2019

5:30 – 5:45 pm            Welcome/Sign-in

5:45 – 8:30 pm            Light meal buffet

Fun Quiz, Expert/Audience Discussion

Where: Frick Laboratory, Princeton University

Cost: $15 includes light nutritious meal buffet  if prepaid  ($10/student)

Professor Beverly Tepper, PhD - Rutgers University, IFT Fellow
Professor Karen Schaich, PhD – Rutgers University, IFT Fellow
Brenda Burgess, PhD – Nutrition Scientist, Elmhurst Milked Direct
Craig Shelton – CEO, Aeon Holistic Agriculture, Princeton University Instructor, Chef and Culinary Expert
Who Should Attend?
Scientists and Non-Scientists; Educators and Students; Bright Future Enthusiasts

Reservations are required.  To register go to Cost, which includes meal buffet is $15 if prepaid ($10/students) and $18 at the door ($12/student). Space will be limited. (questions?

The meeting will be held in Frick Laboratory, Princeton University, Room A057. Frick Laboratory is located at the east end of the pedestrian bridge on Washington Rd, adjacent to the Weaver Track and Field Stadium. Parking is available in Lot 21, corner of Faculty Road and Fitzrandolph Road or other lots along Ivy Lane after 5:00 pm. (see

Event Coordinators: Randy Weintraub, MS, PhD and Barbara Ameer, PharmD, MBA

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