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The new CCN web site is live!

09 Dec 2013 1:04 PM | Joanne Leonard (Admin) (Administrator)
Greetings, CCN members and site visitors. This is Joanne Leonard, your new web administrator.  

I'm sure you've noticed that the CCN web site looks a lot different now.  The new site is being hosted by a company called Wild Apricot, which specializes in software for member-based organization. We've customized it for CCN's needs.

For a few months, we were running the old CCN site and the new site in parallel.  Now the link delivers you directly to this new site.  

CCN members should find their profiles on this new site with the same information as on the old site, now in a structured format.  When you log in, you will find a link at the top of the page which will allow you to edit your profile information.  This is a self-service site.  You don't have to contact a steering committee member or the web administrator to update your information (unless you're having a problem or otherwise need a human intervention).  You can do it yourself. 

Also now automated are new memberships, renewals, and meeting registrations and for your convenience, you can pay by credit card.

We also hope to create more value added features for members in the not too distant future.

I'll continue to blog posts here to tell you more about the site features and things of interest.  Blog posts are meant to be participatory things, and if you are a member and are logged in, you should be able to post comments, so feel free to do that.  

This blog is available for members to share information and ideas, and to interact online as a community.  CCN officers and steering committee might choose to use the blog to give you information or to solicit feedback.  CCN members might choose to share useful information related to their specialty or about the field in general, or they might just want to use this as a place to chat.  How the organization chooses to use the blog is entirely up to you.

So welcome to the new site and thanks for reading.

With Warm Regards,


  • 12 Jul 2016 7:08 PM | Roman Bielski (Administrator)
    God was highly concerned with chemical consultants. Their status in societies is not as high as it should be, they have major difficulties finding customers, they are considered by many as those who promote non-safe environmental practices, etc. Perhaps chemical consultants are an endangered species. After a short discussion with himself God decided to visit the Earth and act.

    He was hired by a huge chemical company to address major problems at one of the processes in the Texas facility. The yield of the final product was only 38% instead of expected 72%. Moreover, the product formed in the lab was white and crystalline. The plant product should be almost pure based on the analytical data but was a gray, ugly oil.
    The issue was not easy to solve but God had no problems. He proposed to increase the pH at stage II (during the second step) from 7.6 to 7.8.
    -It will solve all your problems. I promise - he said.
    -But why? - they asked.
    -I cannot tell you. Just try – was his response.

    They did not have much to loose so they did. It turned out that his solution worked like a dream. The yield of the final product of the process was above 95%, it was crystalline and the crystals where beautifully white. They paid the consultant’s fee and he went off to other consulting jobs.

    A few days later one of the company executives asked the plant manager:
    -How did the new consultant do?
    -Well, we were not impressed at all. He didn’t even bother to ask what the melting point of our final product was.
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