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CCN Blog

This blog is for members to inform others, voice opinions and carry on discussions.  Opinions are those of individuals, and are not official positions of the Chemical Consultants  Network.

  • 29 Nov 2021 2:39 PM | Michael Michalczyk (Administrator)

    The Association of Consulting Chemists & Chemical Engineers, Inc.

    Webinar and interactive presentation: December 14th at 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. EST.

    Leveraging Your Competitive Advantages as a Consultant by Bruce G. Nilson, CMC.

    Join us from 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. on December 14th when Bruce Nilson will conduct an interactive webinar as he challenges us to consider how well we leverage our competitive advantages as consultants with our prospects and our clients. After some brief introductions, Bruce will present a few slides on the topic and then lead us in an open discussion that includes the following:

    ·         Rethinking our “our elevator speeches” and value proposition

    ·         Avoiding the trap question

    ·         Understanding the differences between our strengths and our true competitive advantage

    ·         Differentiating our services and capabilities from the competition

    ·         How to know if I’m leveraging my competitive advantage(s) with my clients

    ·         Applying what I learned—some possible next steps I can take

    Zoom ID:

    Passcode: 013413

  • 06 Oct 2021 10:30 AM | Youwen Xu (Administrator)

    Professor Andrew Bocarsly, Department of Chemistry Princeton University

    Virtual Meeting of the Princeton ACS Section

    Tuesday, October 26, 2021 6:30pm (via GoToMeeting)

    Abstract - In recent years, a number of strategies have been put forward to both reduce the emission of CO2 into the environment and utilize what has traditionally been considered “waste” CO2 for the development of new materials, chemical feedstocks, and fuels. To this end, electrochemical reduction of aqueous CO2 to organics appears attractive. However, this chemistry has been severally limited by a lack of efficient electrocatalysts. This deficiency has meant that one often cannot produce the compounds of interest. In cases where a path to the target compound was available, the lack of appropriate catalysts meant that excessive electrode potentials needed to be employed and that water could not be employed as the electrolyte. These two parameters dramatically impact the cost of electrochemical CO2 conversion.

    To date, the only material reported to be an efficient electrode for CO2 reduction is copper metal. This presentation will focus on work in our labs at Princeton University that has now revealed that binary intermetallic compounds composed of a first row transition metal and a post transition metal such as aluminum or gallium provide a new source of heterogeneous electrocatalysts for the reduction of CO2 to form a variety of C1 and C2+ organic products.

    Biography Andrew Bocarsly received his BS degree jointly in chemistry and physics from UCLA in 1976, and his Ph.D. in chemistry from M.I.T. in 1980. He has been a member of the Princeton University, Chemistry Department faculty for thirty-nine years and holds affiliations with Princeton’s Materials Institute, Princeton’s Environmental Institute and the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment. Professor Bocarsly has published over 225 papers and co-authored over a dozen patents. Research in his laboratory is focused on electrochemistry and photoelectrochemistry for the conversion of carbon dioxide to fuels and feedstocks; new materials for electrochemistry and molecular multielectron photoinduced charge transfer processes. 

    Professor Bocarsly serves as a consultant to various alternate energy companies. He co-founded Liquid Light Inc., a company formed to commercialize the formation of organic commodity chemicals from CO2. Professor Bocarsly has received an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, the Sigma Xi (Princeton Section) Science Educator Award, and the American Chemical Society-Exxon Solid State Chemistry award. He has served on the Advisory Board for the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, has edited a volume for Structure and Bonding in the area of fuel cells and batteries, and served as the electrochemistry editor for Methods in Materials Research. He currently sits on the editorial advisory board of Journal of CO2 Utilization, and the international advisory board of the International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization. He is a fellow of the American Scientific Affilation.

    Registration - Access to the meeting is free but registration for the event is required. To register go to our website at .Prior to the meeting, a link to join the GoTo meeting will be sent to all those who register.  For questions contact

  • 23 Sep 2021 12:24 PM | Youwen Xu (Administrator)

    Abstract - What is qPCR (quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction), and how does it work? What is the chemistry behind this powerful technique? This presentation will discuss the chemistry and biochemistry that makes it work. This seminar reviews associated applications when working with DNA, RNA, and protein analysis. DNA applications include mutation detection, single nucleotide polymorphisms, and high resolution melt. RNA applications reviewed are gene expression and small RNA. The final section of the talk examines protein expression and digital PCR.

    Biography - Geoff Jackson is a Regional Field Application Scientist for Thermo Fisher Scientific with over 30 years of experience in molecular biology and pathogen detection.

    Prior to this role, Geoff was a lead biologist and program manager at Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for almost 10 years. He is fluent in many scientific and molecular biology techniques that include but are not limited to basic science benchwork; pathogen detection assay development; bioterrorism response and prevention; program management; and emergency management.

    Registration: Access to the meeting is free but registration for the event is required. To register go to: A link to join the virtual meeting will be sent to all those who register prior to the meeting.  For questions contact

  • 04 Jun 2021 11:10 PM | Youwen Xu (Administrator)

    For anyone who is interested in what is happening in the field of nuclear medicine and radiopharmaceutics development: PET Drugs and Regulatory Compliance.


  • 08 Apr 2021 9:09 AM | Michael Michalczyk (Administrator)

    ACS Philadelphia is hosting a virtual Delaware valley multi-section networking Zoom event on May 11 from 6:00-7:30 pm.  CCN will be participating along with other ACS sections, AIChE and professional organizations. 

    The goal is to promote participation in local science & engineering organization chapters and to network with professionals and other technical folks.

    Professionals, academics, students interested in expanding their technical network and participation in local science & engineering organization chapters may want to attend.  

    Registration is here:

  • 24 Mar 2021 4:00 PM | Youwen Xu (Administrator)

    Virtual Meeting of the Princeton ACS Section, :

    Time: Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 6:30 PM

    Speaker: Stephen Toth, Senior Research Investigator, International   Flavors  and Fragrances

  • 16 Feb 2021 11:02 AM | Michael Michalczyk (Administrator)

    James Chan has written a blog on CPA Now on his lessons from 38 years of consulting.

  • 15 Nov 2020 6:39 PM | Dr. Keith D. Wing (Administrator)

    December 2:  Laboratory Research and Innovation Group of Philadelphia Virtual Scientific Meeting

    Time:  12:00 PM -- 12:55 PM

    Speaker:  Michael F. Santillo (FDA)

    Topic:  "Applications of Biological Target-Based Assays for Chemical Detection"

    Cost:  Free

    Registration:  On-line


    December 9:  Chemistry Council of New Jersey Plant Operations Management Workshop

    Time:  8:15 AM -- 12:15 PM

    Agenda:  Workshop covering plant operations.  Topics include safe plant operations, COVID-fatigue, OSHA 1910, and a keynote talk by Jared M. Maples, Director of the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness

    Cost:  $25.00 to $125.00, depending on category

    Registration:  On-line


    December 10:  ACS Philadelphia Section Meeting

    Time 6:30 PM -- ?

    Agenda:  Virtual Happy Hour discussing virtual environments.

    Cost:  Free

    Registration:  On-line


    December 10-11:  2020 Chemical Ventures Conference, Germany

    Agenda:  AIChE conference focusing on innovation, investment and deal flow.

    Cost:  $145.00 -- $445.00, depending on category

    Registration:  On-line


    December 13-17:  American Association of Clinical Chemists Annual Scientific Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo

    Agenda:  Comprehensive symposia and expo, focusing on clinical chemistry.

    Cost:  $200.00 to $600.00, depending on category

    Registration:  On-line


    December 17:  Philadelphia Organic Chemists Club

    Time:  6:45 PM -- 8:30 PM

    Speaker:  Osvaldo Gutierrez (University of Maryland)

    Topic:  To be determined

    Cost:  Free

    Registration:  None

    Website: Click on this link -- -- on December 17th at 6:30 PM

  • 03 Jul 2020 2:44 PM | Dr. Keith D. Wing (Administrator)

    Virtual Meeting of the Princeton ACS Section

    Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 11:30 AM “GoToMeeting” 

     Colin Suckling, PhD

    Research Professor of Chemistry, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland

         “Off Paradigm Drug Discovery and the AMR / COVID-19 Era”

    Abstract- For many years it had been recognized that the world was facing a problem in the lack of new anti-infective drugs to tackle the increasing prevalence of microbial resistance to existing drugs. The global pharmaceutical industry had largely ignored the problem for understandable commercial reasons. The standard industry drug-discovery paradigm of single drug, single target leading to predefined beneficial effect also imposes limitations on the discovery of resilient antimicrobial drugs because resistance can easily arise from mutations in the target (together with other mechanisms). Such target driven drug discovery is powerful but in fields such as anti-infective drugs, other approaches that I call ‘off-paradigm’ become highly relevant if they lead to resilient new drugs. This was the approach we took at Strathclyde using minor groove binders for DNA (S-MGBs) and we have been able to discover a wide range of anti-infective compounds for bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases, the most advanced of which has successfully completed a Phase 2a clinical trial.


    Then along came COVID-19 and changed the world. Interestingly and perhaps surprisingly some of our S-MGBs had shown high activity against hepatitis C virus in vitro. This raised the obvious question of whether S-MGBs would be active against COVID-19, a question that is being addressed right now. Further, the acute effects of COVID-19 infection including the so-called cytokine charge and serious lung disorders pointed to the importance of another of our off-paradigm drug discovery projects in the field of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory compounds. In this second project, from the starting point of a protein secreted by a parasitic nematode worm we discovered a range of compounds, known as SMAs, that have been shown to be highly effective in a wide range of animal models of disease, including some relevant to treating COVID-19 patients. This talk will discuss the design, biological activity, and mechanism of action (as much as is known) of S-MGBs and SMAs and speculate about their potential contribution to treatments for COVID-19 infections and future biosecurity.


    Biography - Colin Suckling is a graduate of the University of Liverpool (BSc 1967, PhD 1970, DSc 1989) and has spent most of the rest of his academic career at the University of Strathclyde where he was Freeland Professor of Chemistry from 1989 to 2012. During the 1990s until 2002, was Dean of the Faculty of Science, Deputy Principal, and Vice Principal of the University. Currently he is a Research Professor of Chemistry.


    Research interests focus on the synthesis and properties of heterocyclic compounds designed as molecular probes for biological systems and as drugs for treating infectious and inflammatory diseases. The most advanced compound, a DNA Minor Groove Binder (MGB), has successfully completed a phase 2a clinical trial for the treatment of Clostridium difficile infections (May 2020). Other compounds in the Strathclyde collection of MGBs are nearing candidate selection status as treatments for African Animal Trypanosomiasis and also as antifungal compounds. A further advanced project in medicinal chemistry entering the commercial phase concerns immunomodulatory compounds based upon the structures of protein secretions of parasitic worms. The small molecule analogues of the parasite protein show great promise as treatments for inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and lupus.


    Colin has published over 250 papers and books. He was the Adrien Albert Lecturer of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2009-10), Chairman of the 2011 International Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry held in Glasgow, recipient of the Nexxus Lifetime Achievement Award (2011), and elected an Honorary Life Fellow of the Indian Society of Chemists and Biologists (2011).  Colin is a Fellow of many learned societies and Royal Colleges including the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. He was a B.D Tilak Fellow of the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, in 2019.



    Registration/ Join Meeting:


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    Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. 

    You can also dial in using your phone. 
    United States: 
    +1 (224) 501-3412 

    Access Code: 583-199-957 

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The ideas, advice and positions expressed by individual members of the Chemical Consultants Network are the member's own and not the responsibility of CCN or its sponsors, the American Chemical Society and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

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Chemical Consultants Nework is jointly supported by AlChE and ACS

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